So I decided to take pictures like the little godaya that I am... and put it up...
First off, wedding 1... This happened in December 2011 though, but i always wanted to put pictures up of this wedding... (simple little thing) XD
Church decor, just flower petals lining the isle...
The bridesmaids wore Orange/Tangerine cotton silks with 4 different coloured pallus...
Wedding 2 : was in December 2013, IT was the most beautiful wedding I had been to (SO FAR) in my life!!! The wedding was at the brides home and under a marquee, while little bulbs sparkled like stars. The detail and thought that went in to this wedding was amazing!
The bar was under mango tree, and had these chandeliers shown in the picture below all around it... so breathtakingly beautiful....
Little cocktail tables around the bar..
The high table.... You can see the maid of honour practicing her speech!
The table decor... <3
The other was of a homecoming, of a very close friend. The theme for the decor was set as Origami cranes, you would see us at office daily, making little colourful birds and hiding it under our tables just to make sure to look as if we were busy! :'D
The table decor...
>>> the photo prop-station
The photo-prop backdrop
The entrance decor and the sign boards... so colourful and so unique
The ceiling at stables - park street mews
My friend lets call her T, went overboard wanting to make sure her husband knew they were now and forever officially H-I-T-C-H-E-D!!!
THE end... for now!!!
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